
Daily Redactle

Daily Redactle is a fun puzzle game that requires you to guess the title topic of a random Wikipedia page. This game may help you improve your English and increase the flexibility of your brain.

Redactle is a daily browser game in which the user attempts to decipher the subject of a random obfuscated Wikipedia article selected from Wikipedia's 10,000 Vital Articles. Each puzzle begins with most punctuation and all but a few common words (basically articles and prepositions) redacted.

How to play

 Any instances of that word in the article are revealed as you guess a word. If you correctly guess each word in the title, you will be able to read the entire article.

  • Type a word into the box and press Enter. If the word is part of the article, the game will tell you how many times it appears and put it in the right place on the page with the article's content.
  • Find words that are related to the word you just found.
  • Use the words you got right to quickly figure out what the article is about. As you try to guess, don't forget to think about the title, which is what you're really after.
  • If you find the title of the article, you win.


Category and Tags

Word Games

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