Lewdle Game
Lewdle game is a fun and challenging word guessing game. The goal is to find hidden words in each competition. This game requires players to use their knowledge of vocabulary and the ability to memorize to summarize the final answer in each challenge.
If you are a fan of the Wordle game, you are surely familiar with how to play this game. However, unlike Wordle game where only normal words are allowed, Lewdle game is about rude or naughty words.
How to play Lewdle game?
The game rules are simple. In Lewdle game, you must guess the hidden LEWDLE word in 6 tries.
Enter a valid lewd word and hit Enter to submit the word.
After each guess, the color of the tiles will change to show how close you are to the hidden word.
- Green - The letter is in the Lewdle word and in the right place.
- Yellow - The letter is in the Lewdle word but in the wrong place.
- Gray - The letter in the Lewdle word.
If you can’t guess the word after 6 turns, the game is over.
CONTENT ADVISORY: Lewdle is a game about rude words. If you're likely to be offended by the use of profanity, vulgarity or obscenity, it likely isn't for you.
How to find the answer in the Lewdle game - Hints and Tips
This game has a word guessing style like Wordle game. But unlike Wordle game where the theme is family-friendly and everyone from kids to adults, Lewdle has emotional content and is recommended for players over 18 years old. To complete the task as quickly as possible in this word search game, the most important thing you need to have is a rich knowledge of vocabulary, especially lewd-style words. In addition, there will be useful tips to help you quickly win and high scores below:
Look out for duplicate letters. It is entirely possible for a letter to appear twice in the same word. For example, the word "snoop" has two "O" in it. This means that a letter that is green is quite likely to appear again. So don't miss it.
In the Lewdle game, you will guess 6 letter words. And only try 6 times to find the final answer. But don't worry, because there will always be suggestions that just combined with your words knowledge and intelligence in your mind, you will definitely find the answer easily.
At first guess, there will not be any suggestions for you, but you can completely relax this time. Recall the 6-digit words with the same topic as lewd. Filling in the blanks with the word that contains the most vowels is a useful trick. Because it will be the most accurate suggestion for you in the next words and get closer to the correct answer.
In the next word guessing, you should consider the results returned from the previous answer to find the answer.
- If it is Green, your letter is completely correct, re-fill the letter in the correct place.
- If it is Yellow, the letter is correct but in the wrong place and you need to find another word with this letter in a different position.
- If it's Gray, your letter will not appear in the answer at all, so remove it.
Based on those suggestions choose the most appropriate word. You can have a quick glance at the dictionary to get some ideas about words to play the game. Let’s play the Lewdle game today for unlimited time and test your Lewd vocabulary!